Libraries and copyright: Research-practical seminar “Copyright: libraries, publishing houses and consumers of information in the XXI century” in Saint-Petersburg
The Russian Library Association and the National Library of Russia, with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation on 19-20 November 2013 in St. Petersburg (the National Library of Russia, New building) holds a research-practical seminar “Copyright: libraries, publishing houses and consumers of information in the XXI century”.
The main objective of the workshop - to harmonize the relationship between the subjects of information communications in the context of changes in copyright law that will improve library services to the population of Russia.
The seminar aims to:
- To encourage the further development of the library and publishing industry in the country;
- To identify problem areas in the relationship between the entities in the data communications in part of the copyright;
- To develop approaches to establish a balance between the interests of authors, publishers and consumers of information in copyright;
- Help to educate librarians and information consumers in copyright;
- To create an atmosphere of mutual understanding in the society in terms of the compliance issues of copyright law, the formation of the legal culture of the professional community and the legal behavior of the subjects of information communication.
In several discussion panels will be discussed a range of issues, including:
- The legal problems of library users of the remote access to information resources;
- Legal aspects of library work with the DEC;
- The reform of deposit legislation: Law Library, publisher and author and etc.
During the seminar is planned an active exchange of experiences on the work of libraries in the legislation on copyright and master classes for professional librarianship.