To the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty: The exhibition “The Romanov Dynasty” opened at the Saratov Regional Museum of Local History

15 November 2013

November 13, 2013 the Saratov Regional Museum of Local History hosted the exhibition “The Romanov Dynasty”. It is based on the collection of the museum and is timed to the 400th anniversary of the Russian Imperial House. The materials of the SRMLH colelctions allow talking about thirteen representatives of the Romanov dynasty.

The exhibition features a pictorial portrait of Peter’s daughter Elizabeth Petrovna by an unknown artist of the end of the XVIII - early XIX century, a medal to commemorate the coronation of Elizabeth (1724), and the decrees of Elizabeth Grassroots hydrochloric office and the elimination of abuses in the sale of salt. A unique sword is exhibited, granted by Elizabeth Petrovna to Don sergeant Panteley Selivanov.

The original decrees of Catherine II were presented, during whose reign it was continued a settlement of the Saratov region, the development of its natural resources, the revitalization of the economic life of the city, was founded Saratov governorship, soon transformed into a province.

Another unique exhibit is a roll in 1826 with a painting ceremony of transferring the body of Alexander I of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Peter and Paul.

A rare lithograph of 1850 with a dedication to Emperor Nicholas I is exhibited for the first time. This work by engraver N. S Shchedrovsky was made ​​with a picture of K. K. Steuben “Christ on Calvary”.

The exhibition features a lithographic portrait of Alexander II, the manifesto of coronation medal in memory of his reign, a photograph of Alexander II in Saratov. The attention of visitors is attracted with rare materials from the collection of S. A. Yuurevich, who taught the Crown Prince of case artillery, fortification and Polish language. Among them are epaulettes by Crown Prince Alexander II and Horse Guards uniform, which he wore at the age of five. With the touch kiosk, visitors can leaf through the pages of a unique album of the museum. He was drafted in 1837 by the Governor to represent Pereversev Saratov province Tsarevich Alexander Nikolaevich, the future Emperor Alexander II. The album contains watercolors depicting Saratov province and city maps, as well as essays on the history and economy of the region.

Among the exhibits are photographic portraits of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna, lithographs and commemorative items such as scarves, plates with portraits of the emperor and empress, a medal to commemorate their coronation, released in 1896. The materials on the celebration of the 300 anniversary of the House of Romanov are also exhibited.