Internet and society: Award Ceremony “Runet Award” to be held for the tenth time

13 November 2013

This year’s tenth anniversary ceremony “Runet Award” will be held on November 21, 2013 at the press center of RIA Novosti.

The main nominations of the Runet 2013:

- The state and society.

- Culture, Media and Mass Communications.

- Science and Education.

- Economy, Business and Investment.

- Health, Recreation and Tourism.

- Technology and Innovation.

Special category:

- Moscow Innovation (Partner - Moscow CIR) .

- Secure Runet (Partner - League Safer Internet) .

- Startup Navigator year (Partner - RVC).

Also as part of National Runet Award is taking place the interactive action “Popular vote”. This year’s People’s Award will be awarded in three categories: Internet project, the Community of Runet, Runet Games.

The Runet Award is presented annually to organizations and projects that have made a special contribution to the development of the Russian segment of the Internet at the end of the year. Over the past years the award was given to more than 200 organizations.

The event organizer is the Russian Association for Electronic Communications (RAEC). The award is sponsored by the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications. Co-organizer – the Coordination Center of National Internet Domain .RU / .RF, a strategic partner - Rostelecom.

The official web site of the event is

Runet Award is a national award in the field of high technology and the Internet, celebrating outstanding achievements of the leading companies in the field of information technology and electronic communications, government and community organizations, businesses, and individual leaders who have made significant contributions to the development of the Russian segment of Internet (RuNet).