Internet resources: Service “Yandex.Maps” to work in 237 counties around the world

13 November 2013
Source: TASS Telecom

The “Yandex” Company has updated its map service “Yandex.Maps”, presenting circuit of 237 countries worldwide. This is stated in the official report of the Internet Company.

The new maps in detail represent Europe and North America: The service displays the main streets and houses in the cities, and a network of roads between them. In addition, the service “Yandex” can pave the road links through the streets and highways.

According to the report, for the convenience of users the foreign names of cities and tourist destinations have been translated into Russian. There were translated to about 7 million names.

Maps of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan will be updated monthly based on user comments, information from local administrations and satellite imagery. For other countries the frequency of updates will be once every three months.

The maps will be updated at the same time on a web service, in mobile applications and web sites that use the API (toolkit to embed maps “Yandex” on the web site) “Yandex.Maps”.

Today the service covers 1,097 cities in Russia, 206 cities of Ukraine, 6, and 15 cities in Belarus and Kazakhstan respectively.