Society and culture: The exhibition of illustrations for the works of Turgenev opened in Moscow

12 November 2013

To the 195th anniversary of the birth of I. S. Turgenev in the framework of the program “Turgenev November evenings” Library and Reading Room of I. S. Turgenev (Moscow) and the publishing house “Vita Nova” (St. Petersburg) from November 12, 2013 presents an exhibition of illustrations of David Borovsky for the works of I. S. Turgenev.

David Borisovich Borovski (1926-2004) was a versatile artist, but the most grateful memory he left by his illustrations to the Russian classics. Several generations were brought up on children’s books of Kuprin, Garin-Mikhailovsky, Korolenko and Chekhov with his drawings. The appearance from the beginning of the 1950s of his illustrations to Goncharov and in particular the works of Turgenev was seen by viewing audience as an event.

Today, these paintings in museums – the State Russian Museum and the State Tretyakov Gallery, and many provincial museums and museum-estate of the cities connected with the life of Turgenev and valuing the memory of him, Orel, the Spassky-Lutovinovo, Tula, Kline, and the French Bougival.

The exhibition features new edition of the novels of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev in illustrations of the famous Petersburg graphic artist and painter David Borovsky.