The President of Russia: Meeting with heads of constitutional law departments

8 November 2013

Faculty members and researchers from more than 20 universities and institutes attended the meeting, held ahead of the 20th anniversary of the Russian Constitution.

Vladimir Putin said about the importance of this basic law for any society and any state, or on the importance of its stability and balanced quality.

“We very much hope that our basic law, our Constitution, was and will remain equally relevant at the time of its adoption, on its 20th anniversary and in the long-term. The question is how can this be achieved? It can be achieved through the work of the Constitutional Court, whose practice interprets specific Constitutional provisions, establishes its links with real life, and adapts it to specific legal relations, - said the President of Russia.

So he noted: “We would very much like for basic constitutional provisions to become part of public consciousness and be perceived by society as an essential element of our country’s stable development”.

“State symbols, and the Constitution can be considered one of them, are extremely important. Incidentally, I want to inform you that yesterday I signed a related draft law and submitted it to the State Duma. It provides for the wider use of symbols such as the national flag and anthem. I presume that this wider visibility, at least in educational institutions, will contribute to fostering patriotism, especially among the younger generation. In addition, people listening to our national anthem and watching our flag being raised will not only perceive the symbols, but also experience patriotic feelings”, - said Vladimir Putin.