Libraries and society: Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference “Library and formation of information culture of society” in Yekaterinburg

8 November 2013

In the V. G. Belinsky Sverdlovsk Regional Universal Scientific Library in Yekaterinburg on 6-8 November 2013 is held the Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference "Library and formation of information culture of society".

It is attended by librarians from the five regions of the country, as well as teachers of universities and colleges, teachers, IT- specialists, members of research institutions, publishers, representatives of government agencies and public organizations.

The conference program includes round table "Information and civic literacy: what do and should libraries do for the development of civil society in Russia?".

As part of the conference will be held a master class "Information culture of a librarian: features and forms of broadcast" of Natalia Gendina - doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor and director of the Institute of Information Technologies in Social Sphere, the Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts.

Following the results of the conference and the master class will be developed guidelines for libraries to raise the level of information culture and civic literacy librarians and readers, including seniors and the youth