World history: “Forced crossing of the Dnieper” exhibition in Moscow timed to the 70th anniversary of Kiev liberation during the Great Patriotic War

6 November 2013

November 6, 2013 at the Art Gallery of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Moscow will take place the opening ceremony of an art exhibition "Forced Crossing of the Dnieper," timed to the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the capital of Ukraine - Kiev. The exhibition is organized in conjunction with the D. Yavornitsky National History Museum of Dnepropetrovsk, the National Museum-Reserve "Battle of Kiev in 1943," National Reserve "Khortytsa," M. B. Grekov War Artists Studio, as well Generals of Victory Memorial Fund.

The purpose of the exhibition is to widely highlight the theme of forced crossing the Dnieper in specially made large-scale photocopies of six dioramas and to present the subject of national exploit of the Russian people. Paintings and dioramas of the leading painters of battle-pieces of the USSR and the Russian Federation have served as the basis for the art exhibition.

There will also be a presentation of painting of anteroom of diorama "The forced crossing of the Dnieper." Authors of the painting are artists of the M. B. Grekov War Artists Studio.

Art exhibition "The forced crossing of the Dnieper" shows a panorama of national heroism, features outstanding generals, commanders of the fronts, and commanders of the air and tank armies, heroes-pilots, tank crews, engineers, field engineers, intelligence officers, signalmen, and many others.

The painted anteroom of the diorama "The forced crossing of the Dnieper" depicts the capture of the Bukrin bridgehead on the right bank of the Dnieper by Captain V. S. Petrov September 22, 1943, who defended himself in violent attacks on a small patch of land and inspired by his own example the soldiers to fight.

The artists also depicted the tank raids behind German lines, air operations, bloody battles with participation of paratroopers.