Russian culture: VII Russkiy Mir Assembly in Saint-Petersburg

3 November 2013

November 3-4, 2013, on the eve of National Unity Day, the VII Russkiy Mir Assembly takes place in the Tauride Palace in St. Petersburg.

The motto of the Assembly which is held the year of the 1150th anniversary of Slavonic writing is "Russian World: Education Mission."

The VII Assembly is attended by about 800 delegates: Russian top government officials, heads of ministries and agencies, diplomatic missions, NGOs, compatriots, reputable domestic and foreign scholars, Russian and foreign teachers of history and Slavic studies, workers of culture and arts, clergy, activists from youth organizations, and journalists. There also foreign guests from 60 countries.

The program of the events includes panel discussions "The Year of Slavonic writing," "Russian language and the challenges of the modern world," round tables, thematic sections on the most important issues in the field of Russian language, culture, history and philosophy of the Russian world. Another important part of this Assembly will be the summation of the international competition "The Word Is Ours."

The Assembly is organized by the Russkiy Mir Foundation.