Internet and Society: "Runet Award" Ceremony will be Held in Moscow

1 November 2013
Source: TASS Telecom

The tenth "Runet Award" ceremony will be held on the 21st of November 2013, in Moscow. This year it will be marked by celebrated in 2014 20th anniversary of Runet, as the Deputy Director of the Russian Association for Electronic Communications (RAEC) Sergei Grebennikov stated at the press conference.

"Runet Award" is altering from year to year, getting more vectors by which we track new tendencies of Runet development"- believes Grebennikov. This year, he said, three special categories were established - "Safe Runet", "Startup-navigator of the Year" and "Moscow Innovation." The last nomination will be awarded to the capital organizations that simplify people life applying the new technologies.

In addition, the award will be presented in six more traditional categories: "State and Society", "Culture and the Media", " Science and Education", "Economy and Business", "Health, Entertainment, and Recreation" and "Technology and Innovation". "Runet Award" public vote will determine the best Runet online project, the best Runet community and the best Runet online game.

The "Runet Award" competition nominates the organizations that contributed into the development of the Russian segment of the Internet during a previous or a current year. The "Runet Award" is a national honor in the high technologies and the Internet fields, acclaiming an outstanding achievements of the leading companies in the field of information technology and electronic communications, government and community organizations, businesses, and individuals who have made significant inputs into development of the Russian segment of the Internet.