World history: Historians from the CIS countries to jointly write a textbook on the Great Patriotic War

28 December 2013

Historians from the CIS countries will together prepare a textbook on the history of the Great Patriotic War. The decision was taken at a meeting of the Association of Directors of the Institutes of History of the CIS countries.

According to the director of the Institute of World History of the RAS Alexander Chubaryan, historians will develop the concept benefits from Belarus.

- In Belarus is created a large number of educational and reference materials on the history of the Great Patriotic War. They are recognized as one of the best of its kind in all Commonwealth countries - said the academician, the Secretary of the Department of Humanities and Arts, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Alexander Kovalenya.

The meeting the Association of Directors took place in Kiev and it was attended by scientists from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Moldova and Tajikistan. Representatives of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan sent its written consent to the creation of a textbook.