Information technology and security: Experts have made overall picture of cyber threats for the Russians

27 December 2013

Experts of the "Kaspersky Lab" have made an overall picture of cyber threats to the Russians, comparing them to the dangers of users in other countries - Germany, Poland, China and the United States. The data for the study were obtained from users who have agreed to send trigger defense mechanisms Statistics of products of the "Kaspersky Lab" in the cloud service Kaspersky Security Network.

According to the received information, Russian users "lead" in the number of positives web antivirus - on average it takes 37 times per year, followed by residents of Germany and the USA (18 and 11 respectively). Least often these incidents occur among Chinese users - 8 times a year. The same disposition can be observed in the ranking of users whose web antivirus load at least once: Russia has the highest rate - 54.5 %, and China - the lowest, 32%.

A special attention is given to specificity of dissemination of extortionists programs, including the acclaimed this year Trojan Cryptolocker. It is most prevalent in the English-speaking world: in the United States reported more than 1,200 infections. In going far behind China, the number of victims of this Trojan on orders below and measured in several tens. In Germany, Russia and Poland, the number of such incidents was minimal.

Also it is confirmed the observed for many months the trend location of malicious servers in the United States and Russia - 45% of all web-based attacks in 2013 were carried out using malicious resources located on their territory. Germany in the world rankings ranked 4th c share of 12.5 %. Interestingly, of the top ten retired China, the authorities have in recent years managed to remove many of the local cyberspace hosting malware, as well as tighten the rules for registering domain names in the zone. cn. After that, the share of malicious hosting sites in China declined sharply: in 2010 China ranked 3rd place, then up to 2013 it gave up the 21th position in the ranking.

Be the risk of local infection of five countries China leads with a level of 47%. Followed by Russia with a share of 42% - both countries belong to the group with high levels of contamination. The remaining trio classified as a "medium" - the United States demonstrates the smallest of the 5 countries the risk level of 29%.