Memory of Russia: Monument to princes Rurik and Oleg to erect in 2015 in Staraya Ladoga

26 December 2013
Source: RBC

By August 2015 in Staraya Ladoga will be erected a monument in honor of the birth of Russian statehood. This was announced by Governor of the Leningrad region Alexander Drozdenko during the inspection show of working sketches of the monument, deployed in the lobby of the building the region's government.

The competition to design the best monument in honor of Russian statehood in Staraya Ladoga was announced in October 2012. In February 2013, 38 sculptors presented their work, which were evaluated by the competition commission, which included artists and architects, as well as the advisory council headed by A. Drozdenko. The first prize was awarded to the layout of the Petersburg sculptor Oleg Shorov, but the commission's decision on the winning design was sent for revision with the wishes of the members of the expert council and historians. The exhibition presented the modified layout options.

The sketch of a five-meter sculpture represents figures of two princes - Rurik and Oleg resting on a shield that represents the protection of the state, the power and strength of the Russian people.

The monument will be erected in Staraya Ladoga in the park on the Varyazhskaya Street. This place is selected in consultation with historians, archaeologists, architects and locals. The monument will be visible from the water and land. The monument is likely to be made ​​of gray granite.