Russian regions: The Amur Regional Center of the Presidential Library reported for the second year of operation

25 December 2013

December 23, 2013 in the Amur Regional Scientific Library took place the second public report of the Amur regional center of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library.

The main directions of the Amur regional center: giving users access to information resources, the formation, storage and use of the information set, including the regional component of the Amur region, conducting cultural activities.

The most important task of the Amur regional center - is the selection and digitization of sources, the formation of regional content. In 2013, the selection was carried out by digitizing documents and little-known and important topic - the protection of the state border. The collection "Outer Manchuria Borderline" presented documents in Chinese, electronic copies of photographs of visits by Chinese and Korean delegations, pictures of signing documents, exchange of experience between the neighboring states.  

An immense help in creating collections of the Regional Scientific Library is led by the State Archive of the Amur region.

To the 20th anniversary of the election commission of the Amur Regional Center of the Presidential Library in conjunction with the Department of Regional Studies and rare books was prepared the exposition of the main stages of formation and present day of the Amur Election Commission.

The Amur Regional Center uses various forms of mass actions.

The Amur regional center of the Presidential Library continues to promote the work of the Presidential Library among pupils and students of educational institutions. During the year were geld information activities "Resources of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library" for students and scholars of the city. For the youth are held class hours devoted to the history of our state.

The regional Centre, as well as all the departments of the library took an active part in the promotion of BiblioNoch.

The regional center works with various user groups – both with young people, and senior men.

The joint exhibition projects of the Amur regional center of the Presidential Library and the Amur regional public organization "Association of artists of the Amur region".

The activity of the Regional Centre for 2013 was presented at the "Amur Regional Center of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library: new features for users".

The photo contest of the Amur regional center of the Presidential Library "Russia and China: a view of an alien", held in 2013 at the fourth International Festival "Russian-Chinese Culture and Art Fair" becomes traditional. The contest is held in order to expand and strengthen international relations, promote international cultural and information exchange.

In March 2014 will be announced on the third photo contest "Russia and China: a view of an alien". In August, the fifth festival "Russian-Chinese Culture and Art Fair" will be summed up and will be held the awarding of winners.

In 2014, the Amur Regional Center will continue to work to ensure that citizens have access to information resources, and expository lectures and educational activities, interaction with civil society in the promotion of historical knowledge and strengthen the traditions of Russian statehood. Tours will be held, as well as carried out educational projects. The work on the formation of electronic document collections will be continued.