Culture and authority: Meeting of the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of Russia took place in Moscow

24 December 2013

December 23, 2013 in Moscow took place the first meeting in 2013 of the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture.

The meeting was started by the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky. He noted that the task of the Ministry - the best use of public initiative. "The main criterion for the quality of our work – is the public recognition".

The composition of the Council in 2013 has been updated - it included 115 of the most respected representatives of all branches of culture - the directors of major museums and libraries, circuses, artistic director and conductor of theaters, choirs, orchestras, as well as recognized actors, directors, musicians, artists, choreographers, critics, journalists, etc.

The Council's work will take place within the working groups, the direction and composition of which will be approved in the near future. Early next year, it is planned to create a separate partition on the work of the Public Council at the website of the Ministry of Culture, which will post the composition and work plans of groups.

The Council approved the logo of the Year of Culture of 2014. During the event, in the foyer of the concert hall located photographic exhibition of key events held under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture in 2013, "People. Events. Objects".