Internet and society: A study of the Internet use in Russia

24 December 2013
Source: Digit.Ru

About 18 % of Russians to access the Internet use mobile phones and smart phones, another 5% - tablet computers, according to a study of the analytical company "GFK - Rus".

Home desktops and laptops continue to lead among devices used to access the Internet - their share is 90%. Working computers and laptops are used by 21 % of Russians.

The study was conducted in October 2013. The sample size of almost 2.2 thousand respondents aged 16 years. The survey covered more than 100 cities and the rural population of Russia.

In total, according to the study, 54.3 % of Russia's population aged 16 years and older use the Internet. 69% of users log into the network every day, 25 % - several times a week. Only 1 % of Russians use the Internet once a month or less.

By types of settlements, the spread of the Internet varies slightly. In a city with over a million dwellers a penetration rate is 63%, in cities with populations of 100,000 to 500,000 residents - 58 % in rural areas - 45%.

Among age groups, the most active Internet users are young people between 16 and 29 years old - 91% of respondents in this age group regularly visit Network. With increasing of the age, the use of the Internet reduces - in the category of 30-39 years it is 76%, 40-49 years - 58%, 50-64 - 26%, over 65 years - only 8%.