History and culture: Exhibition “Theatre Dynasties. Komisarjevsky” in Saint-Petersburg

21 December 2013

December 19, 2013 in the Memorial Museum of the Samoilov family in St. Petersburg, opened the exhibition "Theatre Dynasties. Komisarjevsky".

The exhibition is devoted to one of the most exciting theatrical dynasties of the second half of the XIX - early XX century.

In the work of the Komisarjevsky - the choice of repertoire, performing style and staging decisions - reflected the stylistic trends of the fast successive artistic epochs two centuries, from the academic art of the imperial stage of the second half of the XIX century to the pursuit of a new theater of the XX century.

The exhibition, in one exhibition space, first presented at the same time the things that bind the outstanding opera singer Fyodor Petrovich Komisarjevsky (1838-1905), his daughter - a great dramatic actress Vera Feodorovna Komisarjevskaya (1864-1910) and his son - the director, teacher, translator, artist Fyodor Komisarjevsky (1882-1954).

The exhibits represent the most significant roles and performances associated with the work of the Komisarjevsky of the Petersburg period. Among the exhibits - posters and programs from performances, many rare photographs, costumes and scenery of Dobuzhinskiy, Annenkov, Sudeykin, Kalmakov, Sapunova - artists who collaborated with the theater Vera Fedorovna Komisarjevskaya and participated in the Moscow productions Fedor Komissarzhevsky, rare letters, personal belongings and lifetime editions of works.

Great historical value is costumes of Feodor Petrovich and Vera Fedorovna Komisarjevsky. Some of them are new.

The exhibition, in addition to the St. Petersburg State Museum of Theatre and Music, is attended by the N.N. Bakhrushin State Central Theatre Museum, the museum of Aleksandrinsky Theatre, the National Library of Russia.