To the 400th anniversary of the Romanovs: Exhibition of music manuscripts “His Majesty the Emperor of Russia…respectful tribute” in Saint-Petersburg

20 December 2013

December 20, 2013 in the Department of Manuscripts of the National Library of Russia (Saint-Petersburg) is opening the exhibition "His Majesty the Emperor of Russia… respectful tribute" (Music manuscripts - a gift to Russian emperors).

The exhibition traces the tradition of musical gifts given to representatives of the Romanov family in connection with significant public and personal events. Among the exhibits - the original music manuscripts of the XVIII - beginning of the XX centuries from the collection of the NLR, having unique decoration.

The musical talent had to impress the royals not only for its content. To attract the attention, manuscript intertwined in morocco or velvet with gold lettering, there was hired copyist with copy-book hand, music sheets decorated with colorful ornaments.

Members of the imperial family were respected judges of composing art, making music themselves. The exhibition presents the works of world famous composers. Little-known works of musicians are presented as well.

Most of the manuscripts in the exhibition, were transferred to the NLR in the XIX century from the Hermitage libraries (Russian and foreign), and in the XX century - from the Library and Archive of the Court Orchestra.

The exhibition will run till January 31, 2104.