History of Russia: New exposition “Esprit de corps” opened in Saint-Petersburg to the 70th anniversary of the first Suvorov and Nakhimov schools

20 December 2013

December 19, 2013 at the Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineer and Signal Corps was held the opening of the exposition "Esprit de corps".

For the past few years, the Museum is actively works in the formation of its branch collection - Museum of the History of the cadet corps. As part of this project in the year of the 70th anniversary of the first Suvorov and Nakhimov military schools in the building on Kronwerk is opened a new exposition "Esprit de corps". This is the result of years of collecting and research work. For exhibiting were prepared items from more than 40 schools of preliminary training in the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Education.

August 21, 1943 the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted a resolution № 901 "On urgent measures to restore the economy in the areas liberated from German occupation" under which the formation of the first Suvorov schools began. With the creation of Suvorov schools the state took care of the plight of children whose fathers gave their lives on the battlefields. Since then, August 21 is celebrated as the date of formation of the National Suvorov Military School.

The purpose of the new exhibition at the Museum of Artillery is to introduce the cadet traditions, educational and training process and the daily life of the pupils. For the first time is presented a rich collection of uniforms of 1940s - 2000s.

The exhibition traces the history of Suvorov and Nakhimov schools and cadet corps and the Presidential Cadet Academy through documents, the form of clothing, badges, insignia, banners, photographs, graphics and other items.

The reconstruction classroom of 1940-1950s with a school desk with a hinged lid, an ink-pot, fountain pens, globe, board and other items is worth of attention.

The interesting part of the exhibition is its central part with a reconstructed scene of the Cadet Ball, as well as complex dedicated to summer field of training cadets, where are housed camouflage uniforms and samples of small arms. The exposition ends with a section devoted to the tradition of farewell with a banner.