Internet resources: Yandex launches a new version of its browser

19 December 2013

Internet Company Yandex has announced about a new version of its browser, operating on the basis of engine Chromium. According to the company, now are available new versions of the browser for all major platforms. The main innovation is the function “Quick Call”. People may call on the phone number found at the website simply clicking on it and the number will be dialed immediately on the mobile of the user’s phone.

A quick call operates by synchronizing Yandex.Browser on the computer and the mobile. One does not need to install additional software or expansion – simply switch on the synchronization Yandex.Browser on two devices. “Big” browser will be able to pass the mobile phone version, and it will dial the numbers and prompt the user to call.

Yandex also continues to implement to browser its own technology, which are already working on its other services. Thus, in the updated browser for computer appeared the search by a picture, based on the technology “Siberia”.

The version for Windows has replaced dictionary for spell checking – with built-in to Chromium on a specially designed by Yandex. A new dictionary contains twice word forms and knows the morphology of the Russian language, as well as will be regularly updated.