Russian museums: The P. M. Dogadin Astrakhan Picture Gallery celebrates its 95th anniversary

19 December 2013

December 19, 2013 in the halls of the P. M. Dogadin Astrakhan Picture Gallery are held celebrations in honor of the 95th anniversary of the gallery, which involve officials, museum specialists, veterans and museum partners.

95 years ago, collector and philanthropist Pavel M. Dogadin decided to transfer to his native city a unique collection of works of art. As a result, in December 1918, he founded the first in the Lower Volga region the Museum of Art, known not only in Russia but also abroad as the P. M. Dogadin Astrakhan Picture Gallery.

In connection with the celebratory date, the art gallery holds a number of activities during the year. To the anniversary were devoted the past III Dogadinskie readings, the exhibition of Astrakhan artists from the collections of the museum "The native is all immensely precious…", an exhibition of works by B. M. Kustodiev of the State Tretyakov Gallery, for the first time presented in Astrakhan.

A tribute to the founder of the Art Museum will be opening a new exposure unit "P. M. Dogadin and his gallery", and the publication of art album "The P. M. Dogadin Astrakhan Picture Gallery" which includes more than 100 illustrations with works from the collection, many of which are reproduced for the first time.

To the anniversary is completed the re-exposition of halls of the second half of the XIX century and the Russian avant-garde. The visitors will see paintings, including works by Shishkin, Polenov, Levitan, Rodchenko, Kandinsky and others.