Internet and Russian regions: Electronic Atlas of Moscow has been completed with three-dimensional panoramas

16 December 2013
Source: TASS Telecom

A special service “Panoramas” is now available in electronic Atlas of Moscow. According to the department of information technology of Moscow, as a result of laser scanning was obtained 500 shots of the capital.  

"Unlike most famous panoramas, at the official map of the city each point has a geographic coordinate and altitude resulting from laser scanning of urban space, - said the press-service of the department. - This allows you to put in three-dimensional measurement any interested object and conduct so necessary inspections territories".

Panoramas will be integrated into a variety of urban resources, including mobile applications, and Muscovites will be able to use them in the preparation of appeals in connection with certain problems in the urban environment. Three-dimensional panorama planned to be updated twice a year - after the winter season, beginning with the month of April, and after seasonal work on the improvement of the city. It became a single cartographic basis for the activities of urban services, and is used in urban mobile applications as well.