Russian museums: Exhibition “The Gatchina Palace in watercolors of Eduard Hau and Luigi Premazzi” in Moscow

16 December 2013

The exhibition "The Gatchina Palace in watercolors of Eduard Hau and Luigi Premazzi" from the collection of the State Museum-Reserve "Gatchina» runs from 16 December 2013 to 31 March 2014 at the State Pushkin Museum (Moscow).

The exhibition at the State Pushkin Museum presets to Moscow audience a unique opportunity to see the scenic treasures from the Museum-Reserve "Gatchina" - palace interiors in watercolors of Eduard Hau and Luigi Premazzi. In this fully - 56 copyright watercolor sheets - a priceless collection of the Palace arrives in Moscow for the first time.

Subtle in technique, color and detail, accuracy depicted the interior decoration of the palace halls, watercolors and of E. Hau L. Premazzi also present priceless historical material. They give an almost documentary representation of the past splendor of the Gatchina Palace - one of the main suburban residences of the Russian imperial family, experienced a revolution in the last century and a devastating war.

Together with drawings, the Gatchina Museum Reserve brings to the exhibition a few genuine items from the palace interior and curious publishing curiosities related to the royal family - including "The court calendars" on the 1794 and 1798 years, "Ode to the betrothal Their Imp. Highnesses. Alexander Pavlovich and Great Princess Elizabeth Alekseevna. 1793", "Exerticia preparing to march, rank and position of regimental ranks. 1756", "Rules of the dress code for the generals. In 1856".