History and culture: Exhibition to the 700th anniversary of St. Sergius of Radonezh in Moscow

10 December 2013

December 10, 2013 at the Central Andrey Rublev Museum of Ancient Russian Culture and Art (Moscow) opens an exhibition dedicated to the 700th anniversary of the outstanding figure of the Orthodox Church, the ascetic of the Russian land, the founder of the Trinity Sergius Lavra of St. Sergius of Radonezh "St. Sergius of Radonezh and image of the Holy Trinity in Old Russian art". This exhibition, supported by the Ministry of Culture of Russia, opens a series of festive national events to mark the anniversary, which will be celebrated in the coming year.

The purpose of the exhibition is to show the inextricable link of personality of St. Sergius and the image of the Holy Trinity in the ancient art. First of all, this relationship is reflected in the creation of the celebrated image of Andrey Rublev, where most clearly and precisely in the art forms is expressed complex theological idea of the Trinity of the Godhead that inspired St. Sergius in his writings. The image of Andrey Rublev became a role model for the future of many Russian painters of the XV-XVII centuries.

The first section of the exhibition is dedicated to St. Sergius and St. Trinity monastery founded by him. Here will be shown various icons of Reverend; the focus is on his hagiographic images.

The second section presents the diversity of Russian iconography of the Holy Trinity of the XV - beginning of the XVIII centuries, traced the influence of Andrei Rublev vexation on developed for various types of its traditional image.

Iconic series of icons complement the unique monuments of jewelry of the XV-XVI centuries depicting the Trinity, as well as books, reflecting the life and deeds of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

The exhibition presents about 80 works, mostly iconography. The exhibition will be open until February 10, 2014 in the main exhibition of the Museum of the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael.