History and culture: The Museum of postal services of the Chelyabinsk region hosted an exhibition to celebrate the 90th anniversary of a postcard

9 December 2013
Source: Lentachel.ru

To the 90th anniversary of the USSR postal card is dedicated an exhibition opened at the Museum of postal services of the Chelyabinsk region.

The collection of Soviet postcards from the Museum of postal services of the Chelyabinsk region will be of interest to philatelists, philokartists and all lovers of history. On the exhibits you can see a lot of symbols of Soviet times - the Lenin Mausoleum, the Kremlin's Spassky Tower, the first spacecraft. The stamps depict a miner at the face, the face of the Red Army and scouts. And on the very first post card, released in 1923, was a portrait of working - the collective image of the builder of communism. It was determined the cost of this mandate - 3 pennies. Unfortunately, the very first card was not included in the museum's collection. On display are witnesses of "era of great achievements" from 1956 to 1970. Many of them are greetings, released by the New Year, May 1, March 8, the holiday of the Great October Revolution. Here you can learn about the catalog "Stamped postcards of the USSR of 1923-1979”.

The postcard - is a postal written communication, not in a sealed envelope, and made ​​on a special standard form of thick paper or cardboard. The idea of ​​creation of a postcard is contested by Germany and Austria. However, it is known that the release of the first postcards was told about by CEO address the North German Confederation Heinrich von Stephan November 30, 1865 at the 5th Conference of the German Postal Union. In Russia, postal cards are issued since 1872, and their production in the USSR was renewed in 1923.

Interestingly, in those years were produced postcards "reply-paid". Addressee was able to pay in advance mate news. Today, these mailings are considered uncommon. By decision of the XVI Congress of the Universal Postal Union in Tokyo (1969) postcards reply-paid were seized from international mail handling from 1 July 1971.