The Presidential Library: New acquisitions
The Presidential Library’s holdings (a collection of State Authority) have been enriched with educational and cultural self-produced videos created within the educational project "Video lecture "Knowledge of Russia'". The project aims to reflect the anniversaries of Russian history and general issues related to the Russian statehood. The main purpose of video lecture is the development of cultural and intellectual potential of young people, awakening the desire for a deeper study of the history of the country.
Presented video lecture tell of a statesman, military leader Vladimir Monomakh and Russian icons in the collection of the Novgorod Museum Reserve.
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Historical Regional Faculty of History of the Saint-Petersburg State University Yuri Krivosheev timed his lecture to the 900th anniversary of the reign of Vladimir Monomakh. Lecturer talks about personality of the talented commander and diplomat, who was able to join forces of Russian princes and rebuff the Cumans; about his rule (1113-1125, marked by stabilization of the situation within the country and successes in foreign policy, the improvement of the legal system, the development of national culture. The author also examines the literary monument of the XII century. "Instruction of Vladimir Monomakh".
The role and place of princes and princely power in Rus’ in the IX century - the first third of the XIII century during the reign of Vladimir Monomakh is depicted in detailby the doctor of historical sciences, professor, chief researcher at the St. Petersburg Institute of History of Sciences Mikhail Borisovich Sverdlov.
The main features of ancient and specific rights and the role of Grand Duke in the development of Russian law are presented in the video lecture Russian law in the era of Vladimir Monomakh by Doctor of Law, Head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of the Irkutsk Law Institute (branch) of the Russian Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation Irina Minnikes.
The video lecture "The Russian icon of the Novgorod Museum Reserve", Yulia Borisovna Komarova - Senior Researcher of the Novgorod State United Museum Reserve, custodian of ancient Russian painting - is talking about the outstanding and most interesting monuments of the museum's collection of icons. The collection of Old Russian painting has fifteen hundred icons of the mid XI - beginning of the XX century.
The first part of the lecture tells of the history of collection of icons of the Novgorod State United Museum reserve, about the losses during the Great Patriotic War and Labor restorers. A particular attention is paid to the icon of the Apostles Peter and Paul in the XI century and the image of Nicholas 1294.
The second part of the lecture is devoted to the icon of St. Nicholas, performed in an unusual manner - on a circular board, the icons of the festival tier of St. Sophia Cathedral, the image of the temple of the Church of the Zverin Intercession Monastery and other monuments.
The third part of the lecture describes the icons of the festival tier of the Church of the Assumption on Volotovo field, got to the museum in 1920, facial church calendar of the Sophia Cathedral and other monuments. It is told the story and artistic features of these icons.
The fourth part of the lecture describes the iconostasis of the Church of St. Peter and Paul in the Kozhevniki, of temple icon of St. Nicholas-Dvorischensky Cathedral and other monuments. It is told the story and artistic features of these icons.
The preparation of new video materials continues.