Society and culture: Exhibition “Kazimir Malevich. Before and after the square” in Saint-Petersburg

5 December 2013

December 5, 2013 in the Benois Wing of the State Russian Museum (Saint-Petersburg) opens the exhibition “Kazimir Malevich. Before and after the square”.

100 years ago in Russia has appeared a new artistic idea in the art known as “suprematism” (from the Latin word “supremus” – highest).  It was created by Kazimir Malevich. This idea was first embodied in the theatrical setting. In early December 1913 in the Petersburg theatre “Luna Park” took place the premiere of the avant-garde opera “Victory Over the Sun”, the costumes and sets for which were executed by sketches of Malevich. In the second act of the play was torn the curtain, on which the sun was depicted not red and round, as usual, but black and square. Having become emblematic for Malevich Black Square, replacing a solar circle, symbolized the victory of the active human creativity over passive form of nature. In 1915 “Black Square” has already been shown as easel, with which in Russia has begun a movement of the forms of abstract art, which has had an impact on world culture.

The exhibition in the State Russian Museum is dedicated to the life and work of Kazimir Malevich: before and after “Black Square”. The Russian Museum has the world’s largest collection of works by Kazimir Malevich numbering 101 works of art, more than 150 graphic works, two architectons and samples of applied art. The exhibition features about 100 exhibits, including sketches of costumes and scenery.

On the screen will be broadcasted the video of operas as well as will be exhibited costumes to the opera, executed by sketches of Malevich which, by technology, are close to original.