Memory of the world: State Duma proposes to celebrate the Day of the naval battle of cruiser “Varyag”

2 December 2013

The deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vitaly Zolochevsky introduced to Parliament a bill which proposes to on February 9th the Day of military glory of Russia – the Day of naval battle of cruiser "Varyag", says the web site of the lower house of the Parliament of Russia.

"The day of naval battle of cruiser "Varyag" as Day of military glory will be important in the education of youth in the spirit of patriotism", - said the author of the bill.

Let us remind that the legendary battle took place in 1904 during the Russian-Japanese war in the bay area Chemulpo (now Incheon). The cruiser "Varyag" and the gunboat "Korean" entered into an unequal battle against six Japanese cruisers and eight destroyers.

The feat of crews formed the basis of a number of subjects of literary works. The songs "The enemy does not surrender our proud "Varyag"" and "Splashing cold waves" are dedicated to heroic Russian sailors. In 1958 and 1972 the USSR issued a postage stamp depicting cruiser. In many cities of Russia and Ukraine, Japan, Korea, the UK is set a number monuments and commemorative plaques, opened museums, dedicated to this feat.

The feat of Russian sailors was recognized even by military adversaries. After the Russian-Japanese War, the Japanese government established a museum in Seoul in honor of the memory of the heroes of the "Varyag" and even awarded Captain Vsevolod Rudnev of the cruiser Order of the Rising Sun.