International conferences: The conference “The First World War. View a century later: prewar years”

2 December 2013

The year 2014 will celebrate 100 years since the beginning of the First World War. From November 28-29, in Moscow was held the 3rd International conference entitled “The First World War. View a century later: prewar years”.

The International Scientific Conference is in a series of the world scientific and practical activities timed to the anniversaries of major events in modern history – the First World War (1914-1918) and the formation of the Versailles-Washington system of international relations (1919-1922).

Until now we can talk about not learned lessons of the First World War in the field of cooperation between the state and society. The presentations and discussions of Russian and foreign participants of the conference consider various aspects of economic, political, spiritual and moral potential of Russia, other countries of the Entente, as well as Austria-Hungary and other states of the Quadruple Alliance on the eve of the war, which has become one of the largest armed conflicts in the history of the mankind on the political, cultural, demographic as well as socio-ecological levels. In accordance with the mission of one of the conference’s organizers – the Academy of MNEPU – a special attention was paid to social issues.

In order to form a scientific historical outlook of the youth, the program of the conferences included summarizing of the international Internet contest of works of students, young scientists on the history of the First World War, the exhibition of   unique documentary materials from the collection of the Russian State Military Historical Archive and the presentation of a collection of objects, related to the events of 1914 – 1918 from the collection of the State Historical Museum.