Information technology and history: Files about Russian soldiers of the First World War to be digitized

31 January 2014
Source: FederalPress

The State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin at the meeting of the Tyumen regional branch of the Russian Historical Society in Tobolsk on January 30, 2014 reported that the files of our compatriots, who died in the First World War, would be transferred into electronic form. According to the speaker, until about 1960, these files were stored in Moscow, but were later transferred to the Tyumen region. We are talking about approximately 7 million cards. The project will be joined with the Ministry of Defense, which has already created several public electronic databases of the Great Patriotic War. The work is scheduled to begin this year and finish – to the 100th anniversary of the First World War.

During the second day of the visit of Sergei Naryshkin to the Tyumen region, he met with unique collections of the Scientific provincial library of the Tobolsk Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve in the Tyumen region.

A particular attention was attracted to materials for the 100th anniversary of the First World War, organized in the library in the Year of Culture. The exposition of the Provincial Library includes documents, photos, paper money, tokens of the war from the collections of the Tobolsk Museum and documents from the archives of the Tyumen region.

In addition, the exhibition features rare prints of 1914-1917 from the collection of the Scientific Library. The materials cover topics of participation of Siberians in First World War: mobilization, participants, the help to the front, the community of Sisters of Charity, the Red Cross, prisoners of war who died at the front.