Russian culture abroad: Days of Russian books in France opened in Paris
January 28, 2014 Days of Russian books in France opened in Paris. They will begin with the methodological seminar for teachers of Russian as a foreign language at the Russian Centre of Science and Culture in Paris. It is organized by educational and publishing center "Zlatoust" with the assistance of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation (RHF).
As part of the Days of Russian books in Paris will be also held open lessons for schoolchildren and a methodical seminar for teachers of philology in the Lyceum of Henry IV.
Activities of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation, aimed at deepening the joint Russian-French scientific communication and research, are also planned. Representatives of the RCSC, the faculty of philology of the Sorbonne and the National Institute of Oriental Languages will meet with each other. There will also be held a meeting with the leadership of the association "France-Ural" and the Coordination Council of Russian Compatriots.
From January 31 to February 1, "Zlatoust" will participate in the salon of Russian books and Russian language literatures organized on the basis of the City Hall of the Fifth Arrondissement of Paris. As part of the salon will be held a series of activities aimed at promoting projects of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation: the exposition of scientific works on projects of the RHF, solemn graduation ceremony of the RHF for two prominent French scientists - members of the international expert council of the RHF, solemn transfer of scientific works on projects of the RFH to project managers "Award of Russophonia" and the association "France -Ural".