History of Russia: The Museum Reserve “Kolomenskoe” presents unique photographs of 1930s in Dagestan

28 January 2014

The P. S. Gamzatova Dagestan State Museum of Fine Arts (Makhachkala) presents the exhibition "Report from distant 1930s" which presents photographs from the collection of the Moscow State Integrated Museum-Reserve "Kolomenskoye".

The exposition consists of early reportage of the famous Soviet photographer B. P. Kudoyarov and photos of J. F. Barshchevsky. The images show the episodes in the life of peasant farmers of the Nagatinsky district, the house in Kolomenskoe, important events of the Moscow chronicles: the underground construction and new residential areas, industrial processes, mass cultural activities and sporting events.

In the photographs of the 30s of the last century was reflected the era of optimism that arose in the wake of the post-revolutionary enthusiasm and a sincere belief in the ideals of the people of a brighter future. Older and middle generation of visitors will be presented a reminder of the past era of the country; the younger generation will be interesting also in rediscovering the pages of history depicted with impartial photographic lens.

The exhibition will run till the middle of March.