To the XXII Winter Olympic Games in Sochi: Russian libraries to hold the All-Russian Library action, dedicated to the Olympiad
The Organizing Committee “Sochi 2014” and the Russian Library Association at the initiative of the I. F. Barabbas Krasnodar Regional Youth Library offered to conduct the single All-Russian Library Association, dedicated to the Winter Olympiad in Sochi on January 31, 2014. The action for young readers will be held under the motto of the Sochi Olympiad “Hot. Winter. Yours”.
During the event, will be held a variety of large-scale literary events, Olympic lessons, festivals of books about sports, literary and sports contests and competitions, flash mobs and other.
The All-Russian action will be a worthy contribution to Russian libraries, working with young people, to the popularization of sport and the Olympic movement on the eve of the greatest global sporting event of 2014.