World culture: Exhibition “Western European art from the collection of the State Pushkin Museum” in Lipetsk
January 22, 2014 the Lipetsk Regional Art Museum hosts the exhibition “Western European art from the collection of the State Pushkin Museum”.
The exhibition features a unique collection of works of Western European art from the collection of the State Pushkin Museum (Moscow). One hundred thirty exhibits – paintings, drawings, sculptures, and decorative-applied art will tell about prominent artists, working in the second half of the XVII –XIX centuries. The landscape, historical and genre works reflected history, culture, nature of many countries, life and customs of the peoples inhabiting them – whether Spain, France, Germany, Italy or Russia…
The exposition features portraits of outstanding figures of literature of William Shakespeare, Friedrich Schiller, J.-B. Goethe and Heinrich Heine, composers Franz Liszt, Wolfgang Mozart, as well as representatives of culture of Russia of early XIX century: V. F. Gagarina, Countess Z. A. Volkonskaya, count V. A. Sologub, His Serene Highness G. A. Gruzinsky, A. R. Tomilov, D. D. Shepelev and many others.
The decoration of the exhibition is objects of arts and crafts made in rococo, classicism, empire, historicism. The exhibition includes works by sculptors of the end of the XVIII - XIX century.
This exposition opens the cycle of inter-museum exhibition projects from the collection of the largest Russian museum, dedicated to the Year of Culture.
The exhibition “Western European art from the collection of the State Pushkin Museum” will run till March 23, 2014.