International events: Exhibition “Charles March. Interpretation of Nature” as part of the cross Year of Culture of Great Britain and Russia in Saint-Petersburg

21 January 2014

January 21, 2014 in the Marble Palace (the State Russian Museum, Saint-Petersburg) as part of the cross Year of Culture of Great Britain and Russia opens the exhibition “Charles March. Interpretation of Nature”. 

Charles Gordon Lennox (Lord March) began to work as professional photographer in the time of probationer practice in the studio of famous deputy director Stanley Kubrick while working on his masterpiece Barry Lindon. Since the midst of the 1970's he worked in Africa in the sphere of documental photography, and also made reportage shots for different issues, photo still lives and another advertising works for the well-known European companies.

The appearance of digital photography that gives to the artist more scope in creative searches opened for March wide possibilities in the opening of individual comprehension of surrounding world. The Interpretation of Nature series by Charles March presents how significantly changed the world of photography during two centuries since its invention. In the artist's creative oeuvre the traditional practice of revelation of the condition of nature through the experiments with the expressive means of photography had found its continuation and development. The exposition includes about 50 works created in the period from 2008 to 2012.