Information technology and archives: Cinema documents of the State Archives of Audiovisual Documents of the Republic of Tatarstan are restored and digitized
More than 160 000 meters of films from the collection of the Central State Archives of Audiovisual documents of the Republic of Tatarstan is converted into electronic form.
At the Central State Archive of Audiovisual Documents of the Republic of Tatarstan is stored a newsreel, which reflects the most important events in the history of Tatarstan and the Volga region. Among the tasks of the archive – the preservation of film documents as well as their full utilization in the face of rising public need for retrospective information. To do this, on the initiative of the Main Archival Administration under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan was implemented a project to build an electronic fund of the use of Cinema documents. Newsreels "On the wide Volga" for 1967-1979 are digitized.
According to the Director of the Archive of Audiovisual Documents of the Republic of Tatarstan Sergey Gorokhov, the electronic fund will be used to provide the film material to the media, organizations, and individuals to create documentaries, television programs and retrospective show in schools for the purpose of patriotic education of the youth.
As part of the project specialists of the “Electronic Archive” Corporation has carried out work on conservation and preventive treatment, restoration and conversion into electronic form of two hundred and ninety cinema documents (1920 minutes of recording time). Restored and digitized images of film documents as array of electronic data format DPX and AVI are loaded into external HDD-devices and are transferred to the archival institution.