History of Saint-Petersburg: Album of photo reconstructions of Sergei Larenkov “War: the Effect of Presence” presented

16 January 2014

In St. Petersburg on January 14, 2014 was presented the album of photo reconstructions by Sergei Larenkov "War: the Effect of Presence", where the author creates works in which the past and the future of Leningrad - St. Petersburg with the help of modern technology and craftsmanship photographers of the past and the present are connected, combined.

First Larenkov combined photos of modern and pre-revolutionary city, and in 2009 first tried to "see" both the blockade and the modern city. The past of besieged Leningrad – the killed people on the streets by enemies, destroyed homes, touching and blockade defenseless children, city defenders - these images were showed through the modern streets and storefronts gloss.

Larenkov decided to continue photo reconstructions devoted to the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War. He visited the cities of Russia and Ukraine - Moscow, Kiev, Odessa, Kerch and other cities in Europe, creating a photo world when the past emerges through the present, combining reality of military and peaceful eras, becoming, in the literal sense, the pilot through time.

When preparing the album Larenkov it was decided to each photo reconstruction to accompany the text and give it in two languages ​​- Russian and English. The text was selected by young Petersburg historian Alexander Romanov, whose sphere of scientific interests is precisely the Leningrad blockade.