Libraries of Russia: The National Library of Russia celebrates its 200th anniversary

14 January 2014

January 14, 2014 the National library of Russia opens a series of events dedicated to its 200th anniversary.

In the main building of the NLR will take place a presentation of the project of the Manuscript Department "From the Ark of the Covenant: the constituent documents of the Imperial Public Library".

The project continues a program of the National Library to digitize rare documents. The purpose of the program is to open access to a wider audience of the unique documents and written materials, included in the golden fund of cultural and historical heritage of Russia. The first online resource of the program in 2012 was the "Laurentian Chronicle. 1377".

The presentation of the project "From the Ark of the Covenant: the constituent documents of the Imperial Public Library" is the fourth in a program dedicated to the solemn celebration of the 200th anniversary of the opening of the Imperial Public Library. The project represents the archival documents that are directly relevant to the significant event. Unique materials reflect the process of creating the constituent documents of Russia's first public library. The resource is a collaborative effort of the Manuscript Department and the Department of archival documents. 

​​An elegant ark of precious wood was specifically made for storage of statutory documents. It is decorated with four gilded bronze figures of griffins and back plate crowned coat of arms of the Imperial Public Library - headed eagle with the letters "I" "P" "B". For two years, the Ark keeps the first Charter of the public library of Russia. Many of the provisions of this document are acting today. 200 years later the resource offers to virtually open an Ark of the Covenant. 

Also on this day in the Korff hall of the Main Building of the NLR will be open a unique book-illustrative exhibition "Many of its treasures are open to anyone and everyone". Among the exhibits are rarities from the library.

January 28, 2014 in the Tauride Palace will be held a solemn meeting dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the opening of the National Library of Russia, as well as a round table “Libraries as an important factor of integration of the CIS member states”.

January 29, 2014 in the New building of the National Library of Russia will be held an International conference “Role of national libraries in social development” and will be open an exhibition “The National Library of Russia: 200 years of the opening. Preserving the past, we open the future”. The exhibition will tell of the achievements of the library for the past 50 years.