Russian museums: The State Hermitage Museum is preparing for the celebration of its 250th anniversary

13 January 2014

The State Hermitage Museum in 2014 celebrated its 250th anniversary. The museum was established as a private collection of Catherine II, and a birthday is celebrated on the day of St. Catherine, on December 7. Although, the festivals will last all the year. More information about the museum plans was told by its director Michael Piotrowski.   

"Now the Hermitage - a global museum, one of the many global museums, the museum, which is completely transformed, and in good style, I think, of Catherine. This expansion is not primitive, and very mobile and dynamic. Next year we will introduce in exhibition action in a wing of the General Staff, which completed a unique restoration work. There will be held a Contemporary Art Festival "Manifesto", and a big seminar of the International Union of museums and a large workshop on art museum design, and then will be placed collections of the XVIII-XX century, galleries of memory of Shchukin-Morozov, gallery of memory of Carl Faberge, many historic halls of the Art of the XIX-XXI century. Here are already to visit a secondarily unique public depository of the Hermitage.

In the Winter Palace will be a huge exhibition of Russian culture of the imperial court. We are waiting for a lot of other shows from all over the world; the main will be expositions of the Hermitage - archeology in the Hermitage in the last 30 years and the beginning of archeology at the Hermitage, the Hermitage restoration - the beginning and the last few years, new acquisitions. There will take place exhibitions on the history of the Hermitage in all its aspects", - said Michael Piotrowski.