Electronic resources: Electronic catalogue “Khakas Ethnography” presented in Abakan

26 February 2014

February 26, 2014 at the L. R. Kyzlasov Khakassky National History Museum is held the presentation of the electronic catalogue “Khakas Ethnography”.

The electronic catalogue, dedicated to the Khakas ethnography, for a wide audience is first released as part of the long-term republican target program “Development of information society in the Republic of Khakassia (2011-2015)”.

The catalogue includes sections that reflect the traditional material culture of the Khakas and the spiritual one. The scientific description includes more than 400 ethnographic objects. The full collection of the ethnography, located in the museum collections, is about 6, 5 thousand items. The new electronic edition contains the most valuable objects from the scientific point of view.

The catalogue “Khakas Ethnography” will be interested both specialists – historians, ethnographers, museum workers, and people interested in ethnic culture of the Khakas people and its history.

Anyone can see the electronic catalogue in the Internet, which will soon be available at the website of the L. R. Kyzlasov Khakassky National History Museum.