History of a Book: Exhibition “Novel with a book” in Yekaterinburg
The exhibition “Novel with a book. Book illustration of V. Volovich 1960s-1980s from the collection of the Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts. Gift of the artist” opens on February 26, 2014.
Annually, the collections of the Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts are enriched with priceless works of art. In 2012 the museum was granted 300 best works of 90 Yekaterinburg artists as part of the project “Unprecedented and Invaluable Gift”. Such selfless gestures of goodwill of authors have become good tradition, and this time the museum has granted 111 works from Vitaly Mikhailovich Volovich – a famous Ural graphic artist, a real artist-legend.
The exposition of the new exhibition “Novel with a book” included 99 works of the master, a large part of which presents new acquisitions to the YMFA. The viewers will see masterpieces of book illustrations, for the work on which the author has dedicated a considerable part of his life.
The exhibition “Novel with a book” features works of six major book projects of the artist: illustrations to works of W. Shakespeare “Othello” and “Richard III”, a ballad by R. Stevenson “Heather honey”, tragedies by I. Goethe “Egmont”, the novel by J. Bedier “Tristan and Isolde”, “Iceland and Irish sagas”. Along with full-page illustrations the viewers will be able to appreciate others, often escaping their notice details of the book design: half-title, endpapers, covers and etc.