Information technology and culture: Russian museums participate in a virtual project “Paintings of Arcady Plastov on the map of Russia”
The Ulyanovsk Art Museum in connection with the anniversary of the famous artists Arcady Plastov, whose home of the village Prislonikha of the Ulyanovsk region, initiated a virtual project “Paintings of Arcady Plastov on the map of Russia”.
The web site of the Museum created an electronic map with locations of places of works of A. A> Plastov (1893-1972) in the collections of other museums of Russia: the State Russian Museum (Saint-Petersburg), The Leo Tolstoy State Museum (Moscow), the Tver Art Gallery, the Nizhny Novgorod Art Museum, the Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts, the A. N. Radishchev Saratov Art Museum, the I. I. Mashkov Volgograd Museum of Fine Arts and others.
Now the project involves the Astrakhan Picture Gallery, the collection of which includes a painting of A. Plastov “On the threshing floor” (oil and canvas) created in 1946. Everyone is able to learn about paintings and art of the artist in Russia and abroad.