Memory of Russia: “Sholokhov Decade” in the Rostov region

24 February 2014

In the Rostov region started the "Sholokhov decade". One of the first events - an exhibition titled "Don. Sholokhov. Russia" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of his death. It includes photographs and rarities from the Sholokhov Museum-Reserve in the Cossack village Veshenskaia. 

Among the exhibits is a desk of Sholokhov, books from his library, documents and personal belongings of the writer. Most part of the photographs is restored and converted into an exhibition format. The main part of the exposition is devoted to the novel "And Quiet Flows the Don". It is shown the historical situation in which the heroes of Sholokhov lived. Here is also presented rare lifetime and translated editions of the writer. Next to them is the Sholokhov encyclopedia over which scientists from all different countries worked.

The organizers of the exhibition note that the interest to the Russian literature in the world is till high. The exhibition "Don. Sholokhov. Russia" has already been exhibited in Europe and America, and this year it is planned to be shown in Asia.