International cooperation: Russian-language version of the collection “Coordination of national approaches to the preservation of digital heritage”

18 February 2014

The Russian-language version of the collection “Coordination of approaches to the preservation of digital heritage” is issued.

The collection presents the results of the conference "Coordination of national approaches to the preservation of digital heritage" (May 2011, Tallinn, Estonia), organized by the Institute Educopia, the National Library of Estonia, the U.S. Library of Congress, the University of North Texas and the University of Auburn.

The authors propose a complex of initial steps towards greater harmonization of the organization of work on various initiatives in the field of digital storage and recognized the need for strategic international cooperation to ensure the preservation of our collective cultural memory.

The collection features reflections on the possibility of harmonizing of national approaches to digital preservation in the following areas: law, business, the rule of legal deposit and the web archiving, standards, technical issues, economics, strategy, and education.

The Russian-language edition is prepared by the Russian Committee the UNESCO’s “Information for All” Program and the Interregional Library Cooperation Center with the support of the Ministry of Culture of The Russian Federation.