World culture: Exhibition “Art of Faberge” in Vienna

17 February 2014

February 17, 2014 in the History and Art Museum of Vienna (Austria) in the framework of the Russian-Austrian seasons opens the exhibition "The Art of Faberge".

Among the numerous and valuable collections of the Kremlin museums important place takes Russian jewelry collection of the second half of the XIX - early XX century, made by  famous Russian K. Faberge, P. Ovchinnikov, I. Khlebnikov, O. Kurlyukov, G. Klingert, M. Semenov.

More than 150 items demonstrate at the exhibition the flourishing jewelry business in Imperial Russia in the era called the Silver Age of Russian culture. At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries Russian masters were able to create an original and unrivaled style, which combines the national artistic creativity and cultural needs of the era. Triumph of Faberge, which Russian Empress Maria Feodorovna called "the greatest, incomparable genius of our time", was a success of all Russian jewelry industry.