Russian libraries: The I. S. Nikitin Voronezh Regional Universal Scientific Library celebrates its 150th anniversary

14 February 2014

February 14, 2014 start events dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the I. S. Nikitin Voronezh Regional Universal Scientific Library.

Today the library - is an informational, cultural, educational institution, a central repository of universal collection of documents, local history center, a bibliography of scientific and organizational- methodical center for municipal libraries of the region.

To the 150th anniversary of the institution, the specialists of the library organize a series of events which will be attended by prominent figures of culture and science, heads and specialists of the federal, regional and municipal libraries, partners, as well as residents and visitors of Voronezh.

February 14 with the participation of Governor of the Voronezh Region Alexei Gordeev will be held a presentation of a rich interactive reading room for children and youth, as well as a ceremonial meeting with the heads of the executive and legislative authorities, public organizations, colleagues and partners.

As part of the anniversary celebrations will be open the exhibition "A. A. Khovanskii, editor and publisher of the first Voronezh magazine "Philological Notes" (February, 27), tours through exhibitions "Service book. History of the I. S Nikitin Regional Library", "Book of the palm" (exhibition of small format editions) and others.

February 26 the meeting will be held in the library section of the International Scientific Conference "Book in the modern world: problems of reading and reading as a problem", dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Nikitinka.

From 8 to 10 April, the I. S> Nikitin Voronezh Regional Library jointly with the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library will hold a regional seminar on "Methods and practice of forming digital content of the Presidential Library".

The celebration of the anniversary of the library, marked with other significant events, will be completed on May 27, at the All-Russian Library Day.