Information and society: The book “Sustainable economy for digital planet: ensuring of a long-term access to digital information” published online in Russian
The Russian Committee of UNESCO "Information for All" and the Interregional Library Cooperation Centre prepared a Russian translation and publication of the Final Report of the Working Group on Sustainable ensure long-term preservation and access to digital information, which is available online.
The publication presents the final report of the Working Group on Sustainable ensure long-term preservation and access to digital information (Blue Ribbon Task Force on Sustainable Digital Preservation and Access), prepared with the support of the U.S. National Science Foundation, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Library of Congress, the Joint Committee on Information systems of the UK, the National archives and Records Administration and the Council on library and Information Resources of the USA.
The report, devoted to investing in the preservation of digital information, defines the boundaries of the problem of long-term preservation of this type of information as an economic activity. It is proposed a definition of economic sustainability in the context of preservation of digital information, the conditions, under which the activity is to maintain its economic stability over time. The problem of ensuring safety in a broad economic context in which decisions are made about the value of certain digital content, incentives for the conservation of value of digital documents, roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in ensuring long-term preservation of these documents, and some other aspects.
The authors suggest the overall economic process model of digital preservation, practical advice and a range of measures to be taken by various stakeholders to provide access to valuable digital information for future generations.
This article will be interesting to controls culture, science, education, organizations and foundations, funding research, development, creative activities; libraries, museums, archives, researchers, teachers and artists - in short, all those who create digital information and controls and it is interested in preserving valuable digital materials for the future.