The Presidential Library: New acquisitions

7 February 2014

The collection of the Presidential Library State Authority has been enriched with materials from the collection of the State Public Historical Library and the Presidential Library.

The collection includes publications on the life and activities of rulers and other government officials of the Russian Empire.

The book by I. N. Bozheryanov Childhood, education and summer of youth of Russian emperors (St. Petersburg, 1915), published to the tenth anniversary of the birth of Tsarevich, Grand Duke Alexei explains how emperors of the House of Romanov brought up and educated (from Peter I to Emperor Alexander III), and gradually, according to the requirements of time, their educational program expanded.

The book Selected features of memorable sayings and anecdotes of august Emperor Alexander I, the peacemaker of Europe. Part 1 (Oxford, 1827) tells the story of an emperor: birth, childhood, education and upbringing, the accession to the throne, the internal and external policies, his ways of spending time in peacetime.

Publication Image of the column erected in memory of the Emperor Alexander the Blessed (St. Petersburg) gives information about the column, erected in the center of the Palace Square in St. Petersburg, Emperor Nicholas I, dedicated to the victory of his elder brother Alexander I in the Patriotic War of 1812 over Napoleon, the text on the plate of the monument contains the inscription: "Alexander I grateful Russia". 

Edition Notes of physicians about the health of the Emperor, from 4 to 15 November 1829 (B. M, 1829) is a collection of daily reports of Life physician V. P. Creighton, E. I. Rauch and N. F. Arendt about the health of Nicholas I during a serious illness.

Edition by Count E. E. Ukhtomsky "Journey to the East of His Imperial Highness Tsarevich: 1890-1891" [V. 1], Part 1: [At the East] (St. Petersburg, 1893), [V. 2 ], Part 3 [In noon countries] (St. Petersburg, 1894) devoted to three-day trip (from October 23, 1890 to August 4, 1891) of Grand Duke Nicholas Alexandrovich (the future Emperor Nicholas II) through Greece, Egypt, India, China, Japan and Siberia.

Diary of Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich: 1915 (L.; M., 1925), cousin of Emperor Nicholas II, written in the period from April 18 to October 23, 1915 provides an opportunity not only to learn more about the relationship between members of the Romanov family, but also to look various political and military events of the time through the eyes of contemporaries. The diary was published in the Soviet period, immediately after the revolutionary events in the country, in connection with the author of the introduction gives a very impartial assessment of the creator and the diary of events in 1915.

The publication by N. N. Golitsyn Prince Family. V. 1 (St. Petersburg, 1892) are the most numerous genealogical materials of Russian princely family, originating from the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gedimin.

Separate facts from the privacy of Russian public figure and statesman, reformer and lawmakers time of Alexander I and Nicholas I are presented in the brochure by N. I. Florinsky Some features of the life of Count Mikhail Mikhailovich Speransky (M., 1874).

The book by A. N. Philippov On the part of the first full collection of the laws of the Russian empire: a speech at the solemn meeting of the Imperial Moscow University January 12, 1916 (Moscow, 1916) tells the story of making the collection, and the conditions under which M. M. Sperdnskyi was to select the material.

Legislative monuments of late XV – mid XVI centuries issued for the Imperial Kharkov University, presented in the book of Law John III and John IV in 1497 and 1555 [!1550] years. (Kharkov, 1915)

The review of the World history of constitutions, as well as the value of the basic law of the state in the early XX century is covered in the book by G. Jellinek Constitutions, their history and significance in modern law (St. Petersburg, 1906)

The preparation of new materials continues.