To the XXII Winter Olympic Games: Exhibitions of photographs and works of art dedicated to the Olympics open in Moscow
The exhibition "Russia at the Olympics" opens on February 6, 2014 in the Multimedia Art Museum.
The exhibition tells the story of Russian athletes participating in the Olympic Games of the XX - beginning of the XXI century. The exhibition features more than 300 photographs, documentary footage from the archives of RIA Novosti and the collection of the Museum "Moscow House of Photography". During the exhibition, at the Museum, an online information channel of RIA Novosti, which will give visitors the opportunity to watch the events of the Olympics in Sochi in real time, will be running.
February 5, at the Institute of Russian realist art opened an exhibition "Soviet sport". The project, which was launched in December 2013 in London in a family of the Sotheby's house (the United Kingdom), is represented in Russia in expanded composition on two sites.
The new exposition includes more than 60 works from the collection of the Institute of Russian realistic art, GMVTS "ROSIZO", the State Russian Museum, regional public museums and private collections in Russia.
Among the authors whose works are on display are Alexander Dejneka, Isaac Brodsky, Alexander Samokhvalov, Yuri Pimenov, George Nyssky, Sergei Luchishkin, Nicholas Zagrekov, Samuel Adlivankin, Kirill Kustodiev, Leonid Soifertis, Elena Janson-Manizer. The exhibition is also extended by the sports chronicles of the legendary photographer Lev Borodulin.
Work, submitted at the organized by the Institute of Russian realistic art works, are representative examples of diverse creative heritage of Soviet artists. The exhibition and catalog allow on real-world examples to trace the stages of development of this theme, extremely important for the entire Soviet realist art.