President of Russia: Vladimir Putin noted the role of culture in the development of Russia at the Presidential Council for Culture and Art Presidium

4 February 2014

February 3, 2014 President of Russia Vladimir Putin chaired an expanded meeting of the Presidential Council for Culture and Art Presidium on developing theatre.

Vladimir Putin noted that the meeting is one of the first events taking place as part of the Year of Culture that has just opened in Russia. At the same time, this meeting is also an important stage in the work to draft the state programme Basic Principles of State Cultural Policy.

The President said: "We all understand the tremendous role that culture plays in the development of Russia, to strengthen its authority and influence in the world, and in maintaining the integrity of our state and national sovereignty… Culture along with education generates human capital of our country. It's part of our historical code, the national character. And that is why cultural policy should cover all aspects of life, contribute to the preservation of traditional values, strengthening the deep spiritual ties with his native country, to build confidence between people, their responsibility and civic participation in the development of our state".

Vladimir Putin said that "The Year of Culture is to be the year of circulation to the rich heritage of our multinational people, its modern cultural achievements".

President also said: “Culture takes many different forms. It covers theatre, cinema, painting, literature and folk arts. We need to examine the issues concerning each different genre within the context of creating a unified cultural space within our country that has its own unique substance. It is in this context that I propose that we discuss in depth developing regional and children’s theatres in Russia”.